Onslaught FastCap Spider and Scorpion Insecticide - 1 pint (16oz)
Onslaught FastCap Description
On-Slaught FastCap Spider and Scorpion Insecticide is a fast acting microencapsulated formulation for the control of spiders and scorpions. Onslaught FastCap also works well as a broad spectrum of other insects.
This unique formulation contains Exponent synergist that enhances two other active ingredients : Esfenvalerate, and Prallethrin.
- Onslaught FastCap Spider and Scorpion Insecticide may be used inside or outside homes and has a label for food and nonfood areas in commercial structures.
- Onslaught Fastcap Yield
- 16-32 gallon yield
- Onslaught Fastcap Residual Activity
- Onslaught Mode of Action
- As a pyrethroid and synergist it kills the insects by disrupting the insects' nervous systems.
Method of Onslaught FastCap Application
• Use between 0.5 oz (light infestations ) to 1.0 oz ( heavy infestations ) per gallon of water
• When spraying Onslaught FastCap it is not necessary to spray to point of run off, just dampen surfaces.
• Indoor and outdoor broadcast surface treatment
• Crack and crevice treatment
• Spot treatment Perimeter spray
• Foliar spray treatment
• Tank mix with IGR's or apply alone
• Injection into wall void
INSECTS CONTROLLED: Ants Aphids Asian Lady Beetles Bed Bugs Beetles Boxelder Bugs Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs Carpet Beetles Cockroaches Crickets Dog Ticks Earwigs Fire Ants Firebrats Fleas Mealy Bugs Midges Millipedes Mites Pillbugs Psocids Scales Silverfish Spiders Springtails Swarming Termites Ticks Waterbug
Stored Product Pests including : Angoumois Grain Moths Ants Cadelles Cigarette Beetles Confused Flour Beetles Dark Mealworms Dried Fruit Beetles Drugstore Beetles Flat Grain Beetles Fruit Flies Grain Mites Grain Moths Granary Weevils Indian Meal Moths Lesser Grain Borers Maize Weevils Meal Moth Larvae Mediterranean Flour Moths Merchant Grain Beetles Red Flour Beetles Rice Weevils Rusty Grain Beetles Saw-toothed Grain Beetles Skippers Spider Beetles Spider Mites Square-necked Grain Beetles Tobacco Moths Yellow Mealworm
Flying Insects including : Blow Flies Chiggers Clothes Moths Crane Flies Deer Flies Face Flies Fruit Flies Fungus Gnats Gnats Horn Flies Houseflies Mosquitoes Small Flying Moths Whiteflies
Biting and Stinging Pests : Bed Bugs Bees Biting Flies Chiggers Deer Flies Deer Ticks Dog Ticks Fire Ants Fleas Gnats Hornets Lice Mosquitoes Scorpions Spiders Ticks Wasps Yellow Jackets
Wood -Destroying Pests including : Carpenter Ants Carpenter Bees Deathwatch Beetles Furniture Beetles Old House Borers Powder Post Beetles Round-headed House Borers Swarming Termites
Plant Pests including : Alfalfa Caterpillars American Plum Borers Annual Bluegrass Weevils Aphids Apple Maggots Armyworms Artichoke Plum Moth Bagworms Balsam Woolly Adelgids Beet Armyworms Billbugs Blueberry Spanworms Brown Marmorated Stinkbug Cherry Fruit Flies Cherry Fruitworms Chinch Bugs Codling Moths Cowpea Curculios Cranberry Fruitworms Cranberry Weevils Cucumber Beetles Cutworms Diamondback Moths Elm Leaf Beetles European Pine Sawflies Fall Webworms Filbert Worms Flea Beetles Grasshoppers Green Cloverworms Green Fruitworms Gypsy Moth Caterpillars Hickory Shuckworms Imported Cabbageworms Japanese Beetles Lace Bugs Leaf Feeding Caterpillars Leaf Miners Leaf Rollers Leaf Tiers Leafhoppers Lesser Appleworms Lesser Peach Tree Borers Loopers Lygus Bugs Mexican Bean Beetles Mites Mole Crickets Naval Orangeworms Northern Pine Weevils Oriental Fruit Moths Painted Lady Caterpillars Pea Weevils Peach Tree Borers Peach Twig Borers Pear Psyllid Pear Slugs Pecan Leaf Phylloxera Pecan Nut Casebearers Pecan Spittlebugs Pecan Stem Phylloxera Pecan Weevils Pepper Weevils Periodical Cicadas Pickleworms Pillbugs Pine Chafers Pine Coreid Bugs Plant Bugs Plum Curculios Red Pine Sawflies Red-headed Pine Sawflies Red-striped Fireworms Rindworms Salt Marsh Caterpillars Sap Beetles Scales Sod Webworms Sowbugs Spiders Spittlebugs Stink Bugs Tarnished Plant Bugs Tent Caterpillars Thrips Tobacco Hornworms Tufted Apple Bud Moths Velvet Bean Caterpillars Walnut Husk Flies Western Bean Cutworms Whiteflies
Onslaught FastCap Spider and Scorpion Insecticide -1 pint
- Brand: MGK Insect Control
- Product Code: 2964-D05
- Reward Points: 796
- Availability: In Stock
- $81.71
- Price in reward points: 26504
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