Restricted Product Sales & Shipments
State Restricted Product Shipments
Many states, including New York, California, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont, have restrictions on the sale or shipping of certain items. If you are logged in to the website, based on your registered address, restricted items will not be displayed to you.
If you are not logged into the website, or you are a first-time visitor, when you go to to checkout, any state restricted items will be removed from your shopping cart. We also list on the product pages if a product is restricted.
These restrictions are placed on us by the individual states and there is nothing we can do about the restrictions. In some cases, a production that is restricted may be available for purchase by a licensed applicator in that state - if you have the correct license or pest application permit, you will need to contact us via the contact page, listing your license details and contact information. We will be able to set you up with a pro account and ship you the restricted items.
At this time we do not ship internationally, or to Alaska, Hawaii, and/or U.S. Territories.
All shipments pest control items are sent via either UPS Ground or Fedex Ground, and wildlife orders are shipped via Fedex or USPS.
Updated 12-04-2023