Bac-Azap (Quart) - Odor Eliminator
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The new eco-benign formula of Bac-Azap is formulated to provide powerful odor elimination with a pleasant new scent. Bac-Azap has a special blend of seven microbe strains that consume organic materials that cause odors. So for dumpsters, dead rodents, animal odors, urine, feces, vomit – even skunk – Bac-Azap will get the job done. It’s also great for foaming into drains to keep commercial kitchens operating at peak performance.
It doesn’t just knock odors down. It eats them up.
Deodorizers try to mask odors by using a strong scent of their own. Bac-Azap is different. It uses microbes and bacteria to attack the source of the smell, breaking down the organic matter and eliminating the odor for good.
BAC-AZAP is the only available odor eliminator that consumes decaying organic matter. It first uses a powerful odor encapsulation technology similar to popular consumer odor eliminators to immediately remove the offending smell, but instead of simply encapsulating the odor, BAC-A-ZAPs potent combination of bacteria and enzymes begin to consume the organic matter which is causing the odor. The bacteria will continue to double in population as long as conditions remain favorable and there is organic material left as a food source. The increase in bacteria, in turn, produces more enzymes to break down the organic material even further. This cyclical process continues until the food supply is entirely exhausted. Once the organic material is consumed the bacteria die off, leaving behind CO2 and water as harmless, odorless by-products.
Use on: Walls, floors, carpets, wall voids, crawl spaces, basements, floor drains, refuse containers, dumpsters, garbage cans, bathrooms, compost piles, and other listed uses
1 quart/bottle or 12 bottles/case
Also available in 1 Gallon - click here
Can be applied on a large or small scale. Commercial or residential.
Bac-Azap represents a great opportunity for pest control professionals who want to expand their service line and provide more value to the customer. This is an add-on service to the regular quarterly visit and can create new calls that generate new revenue. It allows you to eliminate dead rodent odors and treat crawl spaces that reek from decaying matter. Pet smells can be eradicated and you can be the hero. Pet urine, feces and vomit smells can be eliminated from carpet upholstery and mattresses. Make it a regular part of commercial sanitization.
Use Bac-Azap on farms to minimize odors in dairy barns, chicken coops and pig sties. Bac-Azap is also great as a wash-down for stalls and floors and perfect to keep floor drains clear.
Bac-Azap eliminates odors including:
- Feces
- Sewage
- Urine
- Vomit
- Smoke
- Mold & mildew
- Athletic smells
- Stinky drains
- Garbage
- Pet odors
- Dead animals
- Food odors
- Even skunk
Bac-Azap (Quart) Odor Eliminator
- Brand: Nisus Corporation
- Product Code: 30101
- Reward Points: 160
- Availability: In Stock
- 12 or more $13.40
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